Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2014

Die haben mich angefixt!

Ich habe habe mal wieder fleißig das Netz durchwühlt und stoß auf einige interessante Bücher. Wie immer sind sie mal top aktuell, noch gar nicht erschienen oder mal wieder etwas älter. Bin da nie so auf dem Laufenden was Veröffentlichungen angeht (außer es ist eine Serie die ich verfolge oder dergleichen).

Ist irgendwas dabei was euch interessiert? Etwas was ihr schon kennt oder mir gar abraten könntet?

Da ich die Bücher noch nicht gelesen habe, logischerweise, so sind die Inhaltsangaben je von Goodreads oder Amazon. Normalerweise verfasse ich sie ja selbst.

— Simon Ings
— Science Fiction
A fast-moving cyberpunk thriller set in a world of thinking cities, ruthless corporations and mad orbital AI's. A novel that links the groundbreaking works of William Gibson to the new generation of writers such as Charlie Stross and Hannu Rajaniemi: Ajay had a future once, birthing intelligent cities for the Haag Agency. First Delhi, then Milan. But then he is seduced into betraying his employers and finds himself working for a city that wishes to become human. Ajay must steal some rare technology from a long-dead wetware expert, a new Frankenstein called Snow, a man now alive in an AI. A man who wants a new toy for his manufactured daughter...

Bildquelle: Goodreads,com
Mortal Fire
— Elizabeth Knox
— Young Adult
Sixteen-year-old Canny Mochrie's holiday takes a turn when she stumbles upon a mysterious and enchanting valley, occupied almost entirely by children who can perform a special type of magic that tells things how to be stronger and better than they already are. As Canny studies the magic more carefully, she realizes that she not only understands it - she can perform the magic, too, so well that it feels like it has always been a part of her. With the help of an alluring seventeen-year-old boy who is held hostage by a spell that is now more powerful than the people who first placed it, Canny figures out the secrets of this valley and of her own past.

The Mirror Empire (The Worldbreaker Saga #1)
— Kameron Hurley
— Fantasy
Stretching from desolate tundra to steamy, semi-tropical climes seething with sentient plant life, this is an epic tale of blood mages and mercenaries, emperors and priestly assassins who must unite to save a world on the brink of ruin. As the dark star of the cataclysm rises, an illegitimate ruler is tasked with holding together a country fractured by civil war; a precocious young fighter is asked to betray his family to save his skin; and a half-Dhai general must choose between the eradication of her father's people or loyalty to her alien Empress. Through tense alliances and devastating betrayal, the Dhai and their allies attempt to hold against a seemingly unstoppable force as enemy nations prepare for a coming together of worlds as old as the universe itself.

Flights And Chimes And Mysterious Times
— Emma Trevayne
— Steam-Punk, Middle-Grade
In nineteenth-century England, a boy is about to discover a mysterious mechanical world he may never escape. Ten-year-old Jack Foster has stepped through a doorway and into quite a different London. Londinium is a smoky, dark, and dangerous place, home to mischievous metal fairies and fearsome clockwork dragons that breathe scalding steam. The people wear goggles to protect their eyes, brass grill insets in their nostrils to filter air, or mechanical limbs to replace missing ones. Over it all rules the Lady, and the Lady has demanded a new son—a perfect flesh-and-blood child. She has chosen Jack. His only hope of escape lies with a legendary clockwork bird.
The Gearwing grants wishes—or it did, before it was broken—before it was killed. But some things don’t stay dead forever.

4 Kommentare:

  1. Ahhh "Flight and Chimes". Mir fällt ein, dass das gute Buch noch subt bei mir und unbedingt von mir gelesen werden möchte. Ausreichend angeschmachtet wurde es von mir schon ;)

    1. Von der Beschreibung erinnert es mich ein wenig an "The Peculiar" von Bachmann, bin sehr gespannt :) Mal sehen ob es das Buch runter von meiner Wunschliste und ab ins Regal schafft.

  2. "Flight and Chimes and Mysterious Times" will ich auf jeden Fall auch noch lesen :) Und "Mortal Fire" ist schon sooo lange auf meiner Wunschliste....ich weiß gar nicht, warum ich mir das noch nicht geholt hab....vielleicht sollte ich das auf die Dussmann-Liste setzen XD

    1. Mortal Fire fiel mir noch nicht im Dussmann auf, glaube die haben es da gar nicht rumstehen. Aber ich warte eh auf das Taschenbuch, das kommt erst in ein paar Monaten raus :D


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